David Longstaff Osteopath Peterborough


Appointment times may vary.

David is the most experienced Osteopath

(started training in 1974 for 4years full-time) who is

the longest user of Infra-red laser in a clinical setting since


David first saw the lasers in 1973 .

You cannot feel laser, it cannot damage tissue .

 Vast range of conditions treated .

MOB   07860154310

Or send an e-mail to davidlongstaffclinic@outlook.com 
with your name, your phone number , if you are a new customer or have been before and where your pains are.
And we will get back to you.
Largest and longest established Peterborough Osteopaths since 1978.

David Longstaff D.O. 
Registered Osteopath
56 Broadway
MOB 07860154310

Reception opens 7.30am appointments from
8am until 8pm
Back pain and Sciatica Clinic
Neck, Shoulder and Arm Clinic
Hip, Knee and Ankle Clinic
Pain Clinic
Musculo- Skeletal Clinic,

We will listen to your story of what has happened.
Do an examination to find the problem, which we can usually do immediately.
We can see and feel what is wrong in nearly every case.
Then treatment starts straight away.

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